Terms & Conditions


Domain names have a variety of basic rules for registration including acceptable characters. Whilst these vary in some respects from registry to registry, there are some fundamental rules which apply to all.

As a guideline, see the following:

 Permitted Characters Permitted Length Additional Rules
.com, .net, .org, .info Letters (a-z) Numbers (0-9) Hyphens (-) From 3 to 63 characters.(Not including the extensions) May not begin or end with a hyphen
.biz Only for bona-fide business use
.tv May not begin or end with a hyphen
.co.uk May not begin or end with a hyphen


Domain names are not case sensitive. This means that an uppercase and a lowercase letter are considered to be the same (AAA.com. aaa.com, and AaA.com are all the same domain name).

As stated previously, this list is not exhaustive. We make every effort to ensure that our registration systems do not allow you to bypass these registration rules however there are some occasions where this may not be possible and our checking procedures may fail.

Clients are always advised to seek guidance if they are at all unsure about the domain name they have chosen and its validity. Due to the variety of possible causes for the failure of the domain name validity checker, we cannot be held responsible if a customer attempts to register an invalid domain and that this request is subsequently accepted by our systems. Acceptance of the invalid order by our systems does not constitute acceptance of the domains registration by the relevant domain registry.

  1. Generic Top Level Domain Registrations

    1. Easynic are a subsidiary of Easyspace Limited, an accredited registrar with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ("ICANN") for various generic top-level domain names including .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, and .name ("gTLD's"). Easyspace Limited also may, in its sole discretion, accept applications to register and renew certain gTLD's names in non-roman alphabet languages (e.g., Japanese, Chinese, and Korean).

    2. The following additional provisions apply to any gTLD's (generic top-level domain names) that you register through Easynic with the various registries:

      .com/net Domain Names
      In the case of a ".com" or ".net" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

      1. Submission to UDRP. Registrant agrees to submit to proceedings under ICANN's Uniform Domain Dispute Policy ("UDRP") and comply with the requirements set forth by the Registry; these policies are subject to modification;

      2. For the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the domain name, the Registrant shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (1) of the Registrant's domicile, and (2) where Easynic is located, presently Glasgow, Scotland.

      .org Domain Names
      In the case of a ".org" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

      1. Submission to UDRP. Registrant agrees to submit to proceedings under ICANN's Uniform Dom ain Dispute Policy ("UDRP") and comply with the requirements set forth by the Registry. These policies are subject to modification;

      2. For the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the domain name, the Registrant shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (1) of the Registrant's domicile, and (2) where Easynic is located, presently Glasgow, Scotland.

      .info Domain Names
      In the case of a ".info" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

      1. Registrant's Personal Data. You consent to the use, copying, distribution, publication, modification, and other processing of Registrant's personal data by Afilias, the .INFO registry, and its designees and agents, in a manner consistent with the purposes specified pursuant to its contract;

      2. Submission to UDRP. Registrant agrees to submit to proceedings under ICANN's Uniform Domain Dispute Policy ("UDRP") and comply with the requirements set forth by the Registry. These policies are subject to modification;

      3. For the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the domain name, the Registrant shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (1) of the Registrant's domicile, and (2) where Easynic is located, presently Glasgow, Scotland;

      4. Reservation of Rights. Easynic and Afilias expressly reserve the right to deny, cancel, transfer, or modify any registration that either registrar or Afilias deems necessary, at its discretion, to protect the integrity and stability of the registry, to comply with any applicable law, any government rule or requirement, any request of law enforcement, any dispute resolution process, or to avoid any liability, civil or criminal, on the part of the registrar and/or Afilias, as well as their affiliates, subsidiaries, executives, directors, officers, managers, employees, consultants, and agents. The registrar and Afilias also reserve the right to suspend a domain name or its registration data during resolution of a dispute.

      .biz Domain Names
      In the case of a ".biz" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

      1. biz Restrictions. Registrations in the .biz top-level domain must be used or intended to be used primarily for bona fide business or commercial purposes. For the purposes of the .biz registration restrictions, "bona fide business or commercial use" shall mean the bona fide use or bona fide intent to use the domain name or any content, software, materials, graphics or other information thereon, to permit Internet users to access one or more host computers through the DNS: (A) to exchange goods, services, or property of any kind; (B) in the ordinary course of business; or (C) to facilitate (i) the exchange of goods, services, information or property of any kind; or (ii) the ordinary course of trade or business. For more information on the .biz restrictions, which are incorporated herein by reference, please see: http://www.icann.org/tlds/agreements/biz/registry-agmt-appl-18apr01.htm.

      2. Selection of a Domain Name. You represent that: (A) the data provided in the domain name registration application is true, correct, up to date and complete, and that you will continue to keep all of the information provided correct, up-to-date and complete; (B) to the best of the your knowledge and belief, neither this registration of a domain name nor the manner in which it is directly or indirectly to be used infringes upon the legal rights of a third party; (C) that the domain name is not being registered for nor shall it at any time whatsoever be used for any unlawful purpose whatsoever; (D) the registered domain name will be used primarily for bona fide business or commercial purposes and not (a) exclusively for personal use, or (b) solely for the purposes of (1) selling, trading or leasing the domain name for compensation, or (2) the unsolicited offering to sell, trade or lease the domain name for compensation; (E) you have the authority to enter into this Registration Agreement; and (F) the registered domain name is reasonably related to your business or intended commercial purpose at the time of registration.

      3. Provision of Registration Data. As part of the registration process, you are required to provide us with certain information and to keep the information true, current, complete, and accurate at all times. The information includes the following: (A) your full name; (B) your postal address; (C) your e-mail address; (D) your voice telephone number; (E) your fax number (if applicable); (F) the name of an authorized person for contact purposes in the case of a registrant that is an organization, association, or corporation; (G) the IP addresses of the primary nameserver and any secondary nameserver for the domain name; (H) the corresponding names of the primary and secondary nameservers; (I) the full name, postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and, when available, fax number of the administrative, technical, and billing contacts, and the name holder for the domain name; and (J) any remark concerning the domain name that should appear in the Whois directory. (K) You agree and understand that the foregoing registration data will be publicly available and accessible on the Whois directory as required by ICANN and/or registry policies, and may be sold in bulk in accordance with the ICANN agreement.

      4. Domain Name Disputes. You acknowledge having read and understood and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the following documents, as they may be amended from time to time, which are hereby incorporated and made an integral part of this Agreement: (A) The Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy ("Dispute Policy), available at: http://www.icann.org/dndr/udrp/policy.htm; (B) The Restrictions Dispute Resolution Criteria and Rules ("RDRP"), available at: http://www.icann.org/tlds/agreements/biz/registry-agmt-appm-27apr01.htm; (collectively, the "Dispute Policies").

      5. The Dispute Policy sets forth the terms and conditions in connection with a dispute between a Registrant and any party other than the Registry or Registrar over the registration and use of an Internet domain name registered by Registrant.

      6. The RDRP sets forth the terms under which any allegation that a domain name is not used primarily for business or commercial purposes shall be endorsed on a case-by-case, fact specific basis by an independent ICANN-accredited dispute provider.

      7. For the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the domain name, the Registrant shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (1) of the Registrant's domicile, and (2) where Easynic is located, presently Glasgow, Scotland.

      .name Domain Names
      In the case of a ".name" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

      1. .name Restrictions. Registrations in the .name top-level domain must constitute an individual's "Personal Name". For purposes of the .name restrictions (the "Restrictions"), a "Personal Name" is a person's legal name, or a name by which the person is commonly known. A "name by which a person is commonly known" includes, without limitation, a pseudonym used by an author or painter, or a stage name used by a singer or actor.

      2. .name Representations. As a .name domain name registrant, you hereby represent that: (A) the registered domain name or second level domain ("SLD") e-mail address is your Personal Name. (B) the data provided in the domain name registration application is true, correct, up to date and complete and that you will continue to keep all of the information provided correct, current and complete, (C) to the best of the your knowledge and belief, neither this registration of a domain name nor the manner in which it is directly or indirectly to be used infringes upon the legal rights of a third party; (D) that the domain name is not being registered for nor shall it at any time whatsoever be used for any unlawful purpose whatsoever; (E) the registration satisfies the Eligibility Requirements found at: http://www.icann.org/tlds/agreements/name/registry-agmt-appl-8aug03.htm; and (F) you have the authority to enter into this Registration Agreement.

      3. E-mail Forwarding Services. The Service(s), for which you have registered may, at your option, include e-mail forwarding. To the extent you opt to use e-mail forwarding, you are obliged to do so in accordance with all applicable legislation and are responsible for all use of e-mail forwarding, including the content of messages sent through e-mail forwarding. You undertake to familiarize yourself with the content of and to comply with the generally accepted rules for Internet and e-mail usage. This includes, but is not limited to the Acceptable Use Policy, available here as well as the following restrictions. Without prejudice to the foregoing, you undertake not to use e-mail forwarding: (A) to encourage, allow or participate in any form of illegal or unsuitable activity, including but not restricted to the exchange of threatening, obscene or offensive messages, spreading computer viruses, breach of copyright and/or proprietary rights or publishing defamatory material; (B) to gain illegal access to systems or networks by unauthorized access to or use of the data in systems or networks, including all attempts at guessing passwords, checking or testing the vulnerability of a system or network or breaching the security or access control without the sufficient approval of the owner of the system or network; (C) to interrupt data traffic to other users, servers or networks, including, but not restricted to, mail bombing, flooding, Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, wilful attempts to overload another system or other forms of harassment; or (D) for spamming, which includes, but is not restricted to, the mass mailing of unsolicited e-mail, junk mail, the use of distribution lists (mailing lists) which include persons who have not specifically given their consent to be placed on such distribution list. Users are not permitted to provide false names or in any other way to pose as somebody else when using e-mail forwarding.

      4. Registry reserves the right to implement additional anti-spam measures, to block spam or mail from systems with a history of abuse from entering Registry's e-mail forwarding. However, due to the nature of such systems, which actively block messages, Registry shall make public any decision to implement such systems a reasonable time in advance, so as to allow you or us to give feedback on the decision.

      5. Registry reserves the right to implement additional anti-spam measures, to block spam or mail from systems with a history of abuse from entering Registry's e-mail forwarding. However, due to the nature of such systems, which actively block messages, Registry shall make public any decision to implement such systems a reasonable time in advance, so as to allow you or us to give feedback on the decision.

      6. You understand and agree that Registry may delete material that does not conform to clause (c) above or that in some other way constitutes a misuse of e-mail forwarding. You further understand and agree that Registry is at liberty to block your access to e-mail forwarding if you use e-mail forwarding in a way that contravenes this Agreement. You will be given prior warning of discontinuation of the e-mail forwarding unless it would damage the reputation of Registry or jeopardize the security of Registry or others to do so. Registry reserves the right to immediately discontinue e-mail forwarding without notice if the technical stability of e-mail forwarding is threatened in any way, or if you are in breach of this Agreement. On discontinuing e-mail forwarding, Registry is not obliged to store any contents or to forward unsent e-mail to you or a third party.

      7. You understand and agree that to the extent either we and/or Registry is required by law to disclose certain information or material in connection with your e-mail forwarding, either we and/or Registry will do so in accordance with such requirement and without notice to you.

      8. Domain Name Dispute Policy. If you reserved or registered a domain name through us, or transferred a domain name to us from another registrar, you agree to be bound by the dispute policy that is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference. You hereby acknowledge that you have read and understood and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the following documents, as they may be amended from time to time, which are hereby incorporated and made an integral part of this Agreement. (A) the Eligibility Requirements (the "Eligibility Requirements"), available at: http://www.icann.org/tlds/agreements/name/registry-agmt-appl-8aug03.htm ; (B) the Eligibility Requirements Dispute Resolution Policy (the "ERDRP"), available at: http://www.icann.org/tlds/agreements/name/registry-agmt-appm-8aug03.htm ; and (C) the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (the "UDRP"), available at: http://www.icann.org/dndr/udrp/policy.htm

      9. The Eligibility Requirements dictate that Personal Name domain names and Personal Name SLD e-mail addresses will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis. The following categories of Personal Name Registrations may be registered: (i) the Personal Name of an individual; (ii) the Personal Name of a fictional character, if you have trademark or service make rights in that character's Personal Name; (iii) in addition to a Personal Name registration, you may add numeric characters to the beginning or the end of the Personal Name so as to differentiate it from other Personal Names.

      10. The ERDRP applies to challenges to (i) registered domain names and SLD e-mail address registrations within .name on the grounds that a Registrant does not meet the Eligibility Requirements, and (ii) to Defensive Registrations (as defined by the Registry) within .name.

      11. The UDRP sets forth the terms and conditions in connection with a dispute between a Registrant and party other than the Registry or Easynic over the registration and use of an Internet domain name registered by a Registrant.

      12. For the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the domain name, the Registrant shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (1) of the Registrant's domicile, and (2) where Easynic is located, presently Glasgow, Scotland.

      .travel Domain Names
      In addition, for .travel registrations, the .travel registry reserves the right to revoke the license to use a .travel domain name for the reasons outlined below:

      1. The registrant's status changes and they cease to be a member of the eligible community defined by the .travel Charter and .travel policies.

      2. If any prescribed registration, transfer, renewal or other fee is not paid.

      3. If a warranty made by the registrant or their agent is breached.

      4. If any information provided in the course of registration is incorrect.

      5. If misleading, incomplete or incorrect information is supplied in the application for registration, transfer or renewal.

      6. Failure to comply with any .travel policy that applies to the registrant at any time.

      7. If a court of competent authority orders that the .travel domain name should not be licensed to the Registrant, be removed from the registry or be licensed to another person.

      8. If the .travel domain name, or the use of the .travel domain name, is not in the best interests of the Sponsored community.

      9. If instructed by the registrant or its authorized agent.

      10. If a .travel domain name which could not otherwise be registered under this policy is registered through mistake on the part of the registrant or the Registry.

      The .travel registry may make contact with registrants directly. Easynic acknowledges the registry's right and interest in making direct contact with .travel registrants from time to time without notice to Easynic, and agrees to facilitate such contacts if requested to do so by the registry.

      Such contacts may include, but are not limited to, requests by the registry to registrants for annual confirmation of eligibility, updates, amendments, or additions to data supporting the registrant's eligibility to hold a .travel domain name, and updates, amendments, or additions to the registrant's directory data.

      Additional Terms and Restrictions for .Diet, .HipHop and .Juegos

      1. For the .DIET, .HIPHOP and .JUEGOS domains, the Registered Name Holder will abide by all applicable laws regarding privacy, data collection, consumer protection (including in relation to misleading and deceptive conduct), fair lending, debt collection, organic farming, disclosure of data, and financial disclosures.
      2. For the .DIET, .HIPHOP and .JUEGOS domains, the Registered Name Holder further agrees that if it collects or maintains sensitive health and financial data that it will implement reasonable and appropriate security measures commensurate with the offering of those services, as defined by applicable law.
  2. Country Code Top Level Domain Registration and Administration

    1. In addition to registering and renewing gTLD's domain name registrations, Easynic, through Easyspace and its suppliers, also register and renew various country code top level domains ("ccTLD's"). The registry administrator for each ccTLD's varies by individual country code.

    2. By agreeing to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, you and the domain registrant are also agreeing to be bound by the rules and regulations set forth by these registry administrators for their respective registries only.

    3. We may, in our sole discretion, elect to discontinue offering registrations or renewals of some or all ccTLD;s.

    4. The following additional provisions apply to any ccTLD's (country code top-level domain names) that you register through Easynic with the various registries:

      .cc Domain Names
      In the case of a ".cc" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

      1. Domain Name Dispute Policy. If you reserved or registered a domain name through us, or transferred a domain name to us from another registrar, you agree to be bound by the Dispute Policy that is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference. The current version of the Dispute Policy may be found at http://www.verisign.com/information-services/namingservices/cctlds/page_042130.html .
        Please take the time to familiarize yourself with this policy.

      2. Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website at: http://www.verisign.com/information-services/namingservices/cctlds/page_042130.html You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

      .tv Domain Names
      In the case of a ".tv" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

      1. Domain Name Dispute Policy. If you reserved or registered a domain name through us, or transferred a domain name to us from another Registrar, you agree to be bound by the Dispute Policy that is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference. The current version of the Dispute Policy may be found at http://www.icann.org/dndr/udrp/policy.htm. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with this policy.

      2. Policy. You agree that your registration of the .tv domain name shall be subject to suspension, cancellation, or transfer pursuant to any ICANN or government adopted policy, or pursuant to any Registrar or registry procedure not inconsistent with an ICANN or government adopted policy, (1) to correct mistakes by us or the applicable Registry in registering the name or (2) for the resolution of disputes concerning the domain name. You acknowledge that you have reviewed the .tv General Terms of Service which may be found at http://www.verisign.com/information-services/namingservices/cctlds/page_042130.html "and expressly agree to the terms outlined therein.

      .uk Domain Names

      In the case of a ".uk", "co.uk", ".org.uk", "ltd.uk", "net.uk", "plc.uk" or "me.uk" domain, the following Nominet terms and conditions will apply;

      (In particular the Registrant Policies, Whois Policies and Dispute Resolution Service.)

      Nominet UK means the entity granted the exclusive right to administer the registry for .uk domain name registrations.

      .us Domain Names
      In the case of a ".us" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

      1. "DOC" means the United States of America Department of Commerce.

      2. ".us Nexus Requirement". Only those individuals or organizations that have a substantive lawful connection in the United States are permitted to register for .usTLD domain names. Registrants in the .usTLD must satisfy the nexus requirement ("Nexus" or "Nexus Requirements") set out at: http://www.neustar.us/policies/docs/ustld_nexus_requirements.pdf.

      3. Selection of a Domain Name. You certify and represent that: (A) You have and shall continue to have, a bona fide presence in the United States on the basis of real and substantial lawful contacts with, or lawful activities in, the United States as defined in Section (ii) hereinabove; (B) The listed name servers are located within the United States; (C) The data provided in the domain name registration application is true, correct, up to date and complete, and that you will continue to keep all of the information provided correct, up-to-date and complete; (D) To the best of the your knowledge and belief, neither this registration of a domain name nor the manner in which it is directly or indirectly to be used infringes upon the legal rights of a third party; (E) That the domain name is not being registered for nor shall it at any time whatsoever be used for any unlawful purpose whatsoever; (F) You have the authority to enter into this Registration Agreement.

      4. Domain Name Dispute Policy. If you reserved or registered a domain name through us, or transferred a domain name to us from another registrar, you agree to be bound by the Dispute Policy and the usDRP, as defined below that is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with these policies.

      5. Domain Name Disputes. You acknowledge having read and understood and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the following documents, as they may be amended from time to time, which are hereby incorporated and made an integral part of this Agreement: (A) The Nexus Dispute Policy ("Dispute Policy), available at: http://www.neustar.us /policies/docs/nexus_dispute_policy.pdf . The Dispute Policy will provide interested parties with an opportunity to challenge a registration not complying with the Nexus Requirements. (B) The usTLD Dispute Resolution Policy ("usDRP") available at: http://www.neustar.us/policies/docs/usdrp.pdf . The usDRP is intended to provide interested parties with an opportunity to challenge a registration based on alleged trademark infringement. (C) In addition to the foregoing, you agree that, for the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the Registered Name, you shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (i) of your domicile, (ii) where Easynic is located, and (iii) the United States.

      6. Policy. You agree that your registration of the domain name shall be subject to suspension, cancellation, or transfer pursuant to any Easynic, Registry Operator, the DOC or government-adopted policy, or pursuant to any registrar or registry procedure not inconsistent with a DOC or government-adopted policy, (1) to correct mistakes by us or the applicable Registry in registering the name or (2) for the resolution of disputes concerning the domain name. The Registry Operator's policies can be found at http://www.neustar.us/policies.

      7. Indemnity. The DOC shall be added to the parties you have agreed to indemnify in Section 13 hereinabove. Information. As part of the registration process, you are required to provide us certain information and to update us promptly as such information changes such that our records are current, complete and accurate. You are obliged to provide us the following information: (A) Your full name, postal address, e-mail address and telephone number and fax number (if available) (or, if different, that of the domain name holder); (B) The domain name being registered; (C) The name, postal address, e-mail address, and telephone number and fax number (if available) telephone numbers of the administrative contact, the technical contact and the billing contact for the domain name; (D) The IP addresses and names of the primary nameserver and any secondary nameserver(s) for the domain name;

      8. In addition to the foregoing, you will be required to provide additional Nexus Information. The Nexus Information requirements are set out at http://www.neustar.us/policies/docs/ustld_nexus_requirements.pdf . Any other information, which we request from you at registration, is voluntary. Any voluntary information we request is collected for the purpose of improving the products and services offered to you through your Reseller.

      9. Disclosure and Use of the Registration Information. You agree and acknowledge that we will make domain name registration information you provide available to the DOC, to the Registry Operator, and to other third parties as applicable. You further agree and acknowledge that we may make publicly available, or directly available to third party vendors, some, or all, of the domain name registration information you provide, for purposes of inspection (such as through our Whois service) or other purposes as required or permitted by the DOC and applicable laws. You hereby consent to any and all such disclosures and use of information provided by you in connection with the registration of a domain name (including any updates to such information), whether during or after the term of your registration of the domain name. You hereby irrevocably waive any and all claims and causes of action you may have arising from such disclosure or use of your domain name registration information by us. You may access your domain name registration information in our possession to review, modify or update such information, by accessing our domain manager service, or similar service, made available by us through your Reseller. We will not process data about any identified or identifiable natural person that we obtain from you in a way incompatible with the purposes and other limitations which we describe in this Agreement. We will take reasonable precautions to protect the information we obtain from you from our loss, misuse, unauthorized accessory disclosure, alteration or destruction of that information.

      .me Domain Names
      In the case of a .me registration, the following terms and conditions shall apply::

      1. Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website at http://www.nic.me/index.php?page=25 . You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

      2. Domain Name Dispute Policy. If you reserved or registered a domain name through us, or transferred a domain name to us from another registrar, you agree to be bound by the .me Dispute Policy that is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference. The current version of the Dispute Policy may be found at http://www.nic.me/index.php?page=25 . Please take the time to familiarize yourself with this policy.

      CentralNic Domain Names
      In the case of a ".de.com", ".eu.com", ".gb.com", ".qc.com", ".ae.org", ".ar.com", ".us.com", ".la", ".br.com", ".cn.com", ".gb.net", ".hu.com", ".jp.com", ".no.com", ".sa.com", ".se.com", ".se.net", ".uk.com" ,".uk.net", ".uy.com" or ".za.com" Requested Domain, the following terms and conditions will apply:

      1. "CentralNic" means the entity granted the exclusive right to administer the registry for ".de.com", ".eu.com", ".gb.com", ".qc.com" etc. domain name registrations

      2. Domain Name Dispute Policy. If you reserved or registered a domain name through us, or transferred a domain name to us from another registrar, you agree to be bound by the Dispute Policy which is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference. The current version of the Dispute Policy may be found at: http://www.centralnic.com/support/dispute

      3. Full CentralNic Terms & Conditions can be found: www.centralnic.com/support/terms/domains

  3. Payment

    1. The fees and charges for the Services are set out on our website http://www.easynic.com. Our obligation to provide the Service(s) is contingent on your payment of the Fees by the Due Date. You must pay the Fees without set off or deduction. It is your responsibility to ensure that we receive payment of the Fees. It is your responsibility to ensure that information necessary for us to collect the Fees is current.

    2. If the Fees are not received when due, your account will be considered delinquent and your domain name may be suspended, dropped, and/or purchased by a third party. If allowed by the registry authority, we may take possession of your domain name during the period your account is suspended or following termination. You have 30 days to resolve any billing disputes at which point the Service(s) (including domain names) will be terminated, transferred to our name, or the management of the domain name may be transferred to another reseller. In the case of a billing dispute involving a domain name, restoring the domain name to you, or refunding the Fee, will be our sole and exclusive obligation to you and your sole and exclusive remedy.

  4. Term

    1. This Agreement will begin on the Effective Date and continue for the term set out on the Application (Initial Term). After the expiration of the Initial Term, the Agreement will renew for successive periods of equal length (Renewal Term). If the Application does not contain an Initial Term, the Initial Term shall be one year.

    2. All sales are final. You will not receive a refund for any cancellation.

  5. Dispute Policy

    1. You agree, as a condition to submitting to this Agreement, and if the Agreement is accepted by us that on successful registration of any domain name under this Agreement you and the domain registrant are bound by our current dispute policy and the dispute policy procedures.

    2. You and the domain registrant acknowledge that the dispute policy described in this clause is the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (the "URDP Dispute Policy"). You and the domain registrant agree that in respect of the pre-registration or registration of any domain names, other dispute policies may apply as specified by the registry administrator of those domain names from time to time.

    3. You and the domain registrant agree that we may change or modify the UDRP Dispute Policy, incorporated by reference herein, at any time.

    4. You and the domain registrant agree to maintain the registration of a domain name after changes or modifications to the UDRP Dispute Policy become effective and that this constitutes you and the domain registrant's continued acceptance of these changes or modifications.

    5. You and the domain registrant agree that any dispute relating to registration or use of its domain name will be subject to the provisions specified in the UDRP Dispute Policy. Without prejudice to other potentially applicable jurisdictions, you and the domain registrant submit to the jurisdiction of the courts as provided in the UDRP Dispute Policy. The UDRP Dispute Policy can be viewed at http://www.easynic.com/terms-conditions/UDRP-policy

  6. No Guarantee of Registration or Renewal

    1. As a domain name accredited registrar, Easyspace and by extension, Easynic, is, upon accepting your application to register or renew a domain name, your sponsor for that application. No domain name registrations shall be deemed effective unless and until we deliver the domain name registration or renewal application you provide us to the appropriate registry administrator, as applicable, and that registry administrator accepts your application and activates your domain name registration or renewal. You will be entitled to a refund only if your registration is unsuccessful. Easyspace and Easynic reserve the right to retain a portion of the registration fee in the event that we are charged an application fee by the domain registry.

    2. You acknowledge and agree that the company does not guarantee that you will be able to register or renew a desired domain name, even if our systems indicate that domain name is available or you are able to complete an order with respect to such name.

    3. You also understand that Easyspace and Easynic cannot know with certainty whether or not the domain name which you are seeking to register is simultaneously being sought by a third party, or whether there are any inaccuracies or errors in the domain name registration or renewal process or related databases, including the various WHOIS or other registry databases.

    4. You also acknowledge and agree that Easyspace and Easynic are not responsible for any inaccuracies or errors in the domain name registration or renewal process. You are solely responsible for making sure that your registration or renewal has been properly processed.

    5. You further acknowledge and agree that Easyspace and Easynic may elect to accept or reject your application for registration or renewal for any reason at its sole discretion, such rejection including, but not limited to, rejection due to a request for registration or renewal of a prohibited domain name. You also acknowledge and agree that Easynic is not liable or responsible in any way for any errors, omissions or any other actions by any third party including any registry administrator arising out of or related to your application for and registration of, renewal of, or failure to register or renew a particular domain name.

    6. Renewal reminders will be sent 59 days, 35 days, 20 days and 4 days prior to renewal and the day after expiry.

  7. Your Representations

    1. By applying to register a domain name, or by asking us to maintain or renew a domain name registration, you and the domain registrant hereby represent and warrant to us that:

      1. the statements made in connection with such registration, maintenance, or renewal is complete and accurate, and domain contact information will be kept current.

      2. the registration of the domain name will not infringe upon or otherwise violate the rights of any third party.

      3. you and the domain registrant are not registering the domain name for an unlawful purpose.

      4. you and the domain registrant will not use the domain name in violation of any applicable laws or regulations or the company's rules or policies.

    2. You and the domain registrant agree and acknowledge that it is your responsibility to determine whether your domain name registration or use infringes or violates someone else's rights, including, but not limited to, whether any foreign language translations of your domain name, either between roman-alphabet languages, between non-roman alphabet languages, or between roman-alphabet and non-roman alphabet languages, infringe or violate someone else's rights.

  8. Domain Name Registrant

    1. Easynic considers the entity named as the administrative contact for the domain name at the time of registration to be authorised by the registrant of that domain name to act on the registrant's behalf with respect to the domain name registration or any other services obtained from us, including (but not limited to) the authority to terminate, transfer (where permitted by the Agreement), or modify such services, or obtain additional services.

    2. The transfer of a domain name to another registrar or a new registrant by the existing registrant or its agent may result in any services associated with the domain name being terminated. Provisions for Non-Roman Alphabet Names

    3. You and the domain registrant acknowledge and agree that Easynic cannot guarantee the functionality of non-roman alphabet language domain names, or that its non-roman alphabet language registration service will be error-free, in that we cannot know with certainty whether or not the non-roman alphabet language domain name you are seeking to register or renew will be translated properly by the Internationalized Domain Name System.

    4. Furthermore, you acknowledge that Easynic or the registry administrator may be required to suspend, modify or cancel your non-roman alphabet language registration in order to comply with new ICANN or IETF rules, regulations or standards that apply to such registrations.

    5. Registrant explicitly authorizes Easyspace to act as their Designated Agent, as stipulated by the ICANN Transfer Policy, to approve a Change of Registrant on their behalf.

  9. Changes to this Agreement or to Additional Rules or Policies

    1. You agree that Easynic may modify this Agreement, as well as any additional rules or policies that are or may be published by us as necessary to comply with our ICANN agreement, or with any other agreements that we are currently bound by or will be bound by in the future, or for any other reason in our sole discretion.

  10. Domain Registration Information and Its Use

    1. In addition to such other information that we may require you and the domain registrant to provide in order to obtain the Service(s), Easynic require that you submit the following information in connection with domain name registration, administration and renewal services:

  11. Domain Name Registration, Administration and Renewal Services

    1. The information you are obligated to provide and keep current in connection with your use of the company's domain name registration, administration, and renewal services is the following:

      1. Registrant's full name (or the name of the entity and authorized contact person, if registration is for an organization, corporation or association), postal address, email address, voice telephone number, and fax number, where available.

      2. The domain name being registered.

      3. The name, postal address, email address, voice telephone number, and where available, fax number for the administrative contact, technical contact and billing contact for the domain name registration.

      4. You acknowledge and agree that when you renew a domain name registration, the type of information you are required to provide may have changed. If you do not wish to provide the new required information, the registration may not be renewed, in our sole discretion.

    Trademark Claims Notice

    When a new domain registration is submitted in a new gTLD, within the first 90 days of the new gTLD entering the General Availability phase, we, the registrar, verifies whether or not the requested domain name has a matching trademark registered at the Trademark Clearinghouse. If a matching trademark does exist, we will send the potential registrant an email with a link to a webpage with details about the registered trademark, this requires an affirmative response to complete the domain registration. The registrant must agree to this notice within 24 hours of applying for the domain or the registration of the domain will not be completed and the domain name never registered. If an affirmative response is not received within the 24 hour timescale, the domain package will be cancelled and refunded.

    Please find more information about this here: http://www.yoursupportservices.co.uk/domain-trademark

    Domain Validation

    If you have registered a new or transferred in a gTLD (e.g. .com, .net .org, .guru etc.) with new registration data, you will be sent an email asking you to validate your registrant contact data. Please follow the instructions in this email. Failing to receive an affirmative response from the registrant within 15 days will result in the suspension of the name.

    The title of the email will be “Please validate your domain name(s) as soon as possible” and it will be sent from our hostmaster@easyspace.com email address.

    You will also receive this email if you change the first name, last name or email address of the registrant or if we receive a bounce notification from the Whois Data Reminder Policy email.

    Please find more information about this here: http://www.yoursupportservices.co.uk/domain-email-validation

  12. Additional Information Maintained

    1. In addition to the information you and the domain registrant provide, we maintain records relating to any domain name application received by us, as well as any domain name registered through, administered, or renewed by us.

    2. We also maintain records relating to other Services that we provide to you. These records may include, but are not limited to:

      1. The original creation date of a domain name registration, renewal, or request for Services.

      2. The submission date and time of a registration or renewal application, or request for Services to us and by us to the proper registry.

      3. Communications (electronic or paper form) constituting submissions, forwarding, modifications, or terminations of service and related correspondence between you and us.

      4. Records of your account, including dates and amounts of all payments and refunds.

      5. The IP addresses of the primary nameserver and any secondary nameservers for the domain name.

      6. The corresponding names of those nameservers.

      7. The name, postal address, email address, voice telephone number, and where available, fax number of the zone contact for a domain name.

      8. The expiration date of a domain name registration.

      9. Information regarding all other activity between you and us regarding your use of the services.

  13. Accurate Data

    1. In the event that (i) in applying for Service(s) or the registration of a domain name you are providing information about a third party, or (ii) you license a domain name registered in your name to a third party, you hereby represent and warrant that you have (a) provided notice to that third party of the disclosure and use of that party's information as set forth in this Agreement, and (b) obtained that third party's express consent to the disclosure and use of that party's information as set forth in this Agreement.

    2. You acknowledge and agree that willfully providing inaccurate or unreliable information or willfully failing to update information promptly will constitute a material breach of this Agreement that will be a sufficient basis for cancellation of your domain name registration or Service(s), in our sole discretion.

    3. You further acknowledge and agree that your failure to respond for over fifteen (15) calendar days to an inquiry by Easynic concerning the accuracy of contact details associated with your domain name registration shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement and will be a sufficient basis for cancellation of your domain name registration.

    4. You agree and understand that the foregoing registration data will be publicly available and accessible on the WHOIS directory as required by ICANN/Registry Policy and may be sold in bulk in accordance with the ICANN Accreditation Agreement, available at ICANN's site.

    5. For bulk services in respect of the registration data which are provided by Easyspace Limited, if the Registrant does not consent to the use of such information for inclusion in registers and data bases produced by us or our licensees, then the Registrant is required to provide non consent verification stating name, address, date and signed by the appropriate authorised individual. This must be sent to 6 Atlantic Quay, 55 Robertson Street, Glasgow, G2 8JD, UK.

    6. You hereby consent to any and all such disclosures and use of, guidelines, limits and restrictions on disclosure or use of, information provided by you in connection with the registration of a domain name or use of any Services (including any updates to such information), whether during or after the term of your registration of a domain name or other Service(s).

    7. You hereby irrevocably waive any and all claims and causes of action you may have arising from such disclosure or use of information provided by you by us.

    8. We will not process data about any identified or identifiable natural person that we obtain from you in a way incompatible with the purposes and other limitations which we describe in this Agreement.

    9. Easynic will take reasonable precautions to protect the information it obtains from you from our loss, misuse, unauthorised access or disclosure or use, or alteration or destruction, of that information. We will have no liability to you or any third party to the extent such reasonable precautions are taken.

  14. Ownership of Data

    1. You acknowledge and agree that Easynic owns all database, compilation, collective and similar rights, title and interest worldwide in our domain name and other proprietary information databases, and all information and derivative works generated from those databases.

    2. Additionally, you hereby grant to Easynic a nonexclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, fully paid-up right and license to use in our business, however it evolves, including the rights to copy, distribute, display, perform, transmit, prepare derivative works from or otherwise use without restriction the following information: (a) the original creation date of a domain name registration or other Service, (b) the expiration date of a domain name registration or other Service, (c) the name, postal address, email address, voice telephone number, and where available fax number of the contact person for a Service, or of the registrant, technical contact, administrative contact, zone contact and billing contact for a domain name registration, (d) any other information concerning a registered domain name or Service that appears or may appear in a WHOIS database or our database, and (e) any other information we generate or obtain in connection with the provision of the Services.

    3. Easynic does not have any ownership interest in your specific personal registration information or other information other than our rights in our domain name and the Easyspace and Easynic databases.


    1. You and the domain registrant agree that you may not transfer a domain name registration to another domain name registrar during the first sixty (60) days from the effective date of the initial domain name registration with us, or within sixty (60) days of a previous transfer. After that time, you and the domain registrant may transfer your domain name registration to a third party domain name registrar of your choice, subject to our then-current policies and procedures incorporated herein by reference.

    2. You agree that as you are using the Services for someone else, you represent and warrant that you have: (a) provided notice to that third party of your intent to purchase the Service(s); (b) obtained that third party's express consent to purchase the Service(s) on its behalf; and (c) the authority to nonetheless bind that person as a principal to all terms and conditions provided herein, including the UDRP. (A current copy of the UDRP is available at http://www.easynic.com/terms-conditions/UDRP-policy ). You accept liability for harm caused by wrongful use of the Services. Furthermore, you also agree to display the Domain Registration Agreement or a link to the Domain Registration Agreement on your website which your customers must agree to where they are registering a domain name.

    3. You agree that if you license the use of a domain name or other Service registered in your name to a third party, you nonetheless remain the Service holder of record, and remain responsible for all obligations under this Agreement, including but not limited to payment obligations, and providing (and updating, as necessary) both your own full contact information, and accurate technical, administrative, billing and zone contact information adequate to facilitate timely resolution of any problems that arise in connection with the domain name registration or Service. As further required by ICANN, you shall accept liability for harm caused by wrongful use of the domain name registration, unless you promptly disclose the identity of the licensee to a party providing you with reasonable evidence of actionable harm.

    4. You and the domain registrant further acknowledge and agree that your domain name registration is subject to suspension, cancellation, transfer or modification pursuant to the terms of any rules or policies applicable to your domain name registration, including, but not limited to (i) the UDRP, (ii) any ICANN adopted policy, (iii) any registrar (including Easyspace Limited) or registry administrator procedures, or (iv) any other ccTLD's registry administrator procedures.

    5. You also agree that Easynic Limited shall have the right in its sole discretion to suspend, cancel, transfer or otherwise modify your domain name registration at such time as we receive what reasonably appears to be (a) an authentic notification from a court of competent jurisdiction, or (b) an arbitration award requiring the suspension, cancellation, transfer or modification of your domain name registration.

  16. Termination

    1. We reserve the right to immediately terminate this TOS, and suspend or cancel your Services, and, if necessary, your domain name: (i) for a violation of any provision of this TOS or any other Agreement, including third party agreements that apply to you through this TOS; and/or (ii) your failure to pay any amounts due. This right of termination is without prejudice to any other rights we may have. You are not entitled to any type of notice or protest should we exercise these rights. You will not receive a refund if the Services are terminated pursuant to this paragraph.

    2. One party may also terminate these TCs upon the occurrence of a material breach which has not been cured by the other party within 30 days of their receipt of written notice of the breach. Notices of material breach must contain sufficient detail for the party against whom the assertion of material breach is directed, to identify the breach and attempt to take corrective action.

    3. Upon termination, your account will be closed and the Services terminated. We have no responsibility to forward email, or other communications, once your account is closed. You are encouraged to keep the Services active during a transition period to avoid a lapse of your domain name registration.

    4. If your domain name expires or lapses, we may point the domain name to our name servers and/or IP addresses. These addresses may be parking pages from which we derive revenue. You are not entitled to this revenue. Dependent on domain extension you may have up to thirty days during this period to redeem your domain name. If you do not redeem your domain name within this period, you agree that your domain name has been abandoned. If your domain name has been abandoned, we may delete it, register it in our own name, or engage in any other transaction we deem beneficial to us. You have no right to compensation should this occur.

    5. If your domain name expires, lapses or fails to renew, it may be registered by a third party at any time. We have no liability if this occurs.


    1. Except as otherwise set forth in the UDRP or any similar ccTLD's policy with respect to any dispute over a domain name registration, this Agreement, your rights and obligations and all actions contemplated by this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales, as if the Agreement was a contract wholly entered into and wholly performed within England and Wales.

    2. Except as otherwise set forth in the UDRP or any similar ccTLD's policy with respect to any dispute over a domain name registration, any action to enforce this Agreement or any matter relating to your use of the Easynic site shall be brought exclusively in the courts of Scotland.

    3. Notwithstanding the foregoing, for the adjudication of third party disputes (i.e., disputes between yourself and another party, not Easynic Limited) concerning or arising from use of domain names registered hereunder, you acknowledge and agree that you shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (a) of the domain name holder's domicile, and (b) England and Wales.


    1. You agree that, unless other instructions are posted on Easynic's website, any notices required to be given under this Agreement will be deemed to have been given if delivered by email or fax, or sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by Federal Express or other recognized overnight delivery service to each of the parties in accordance with the most current contact information you have provided to us. All notices shall be effective upon receipt, except that email and fax notices shall be effective upon transmission.

  19. ICANN

    1. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has created a document outlining the relationship between ICANN and a domain Registrar, as well as the benefits and rights and responsibilities that registrants have with their Registrar when they have a domain name registered through them. The entire document can be found here: http://www.icann.org/en/resources/registrars/registrant-rights/benefits

      ICANN site for registrant education



    1. Please be aware that by registering a Uniregistry domain name, you must agree to the registry's acceptable use policy, the full policy can be found here; https://uniregistry.link/bin/pdf/Acceptable_Use_Policy_and_Terms_of_Service.pdf


    1. Please be aware that by registering a Rightside Registry domain name, you must agree to the registry's terms and conditions, the full policy can be found here; http://rightside.co/fileadmin/downloads/policies/Rightside_Registration_Terms.pdf.


    1. Please be aware that by registering an Afilias domain name, you must agree to the registry's terms and conditions, the registry policies can be found here; http://afilias.info/policies.